22 Nov 2012. Our recent Angewandte paper, entitled "Enhancement and modulation of enzymatic activity through higher-order structural changes of giant...
11 Nov 2012. Antoine Diguet was a PhD student in our lab from 2009 to 2011. He has just received a "Prix Solennel de la Chancellerie de Paris", the...
16 Oct 2012. Our manuscript "Enhancement and modulation of enzymatic activity through higher-order structural changes of giant DNA-protein...
11 Oct 2012. Yesterday, some of our lab members were lucky enough to join a ceremony celebrating the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics attributed to Serge...
Our lab in Wikipedia! 10/09/2012
We have just found that our lab has been referenced among the representative single-investigator groups working on Soft matter in the Wikipedia...
Graphical abstract selected in TOC ROFL! 08/30/2012
29 August 2012. The graphical abstract of our recent review on light-driven microfluidics has been selected by a website dedicated to funniest table...
Congratulation to Yanjun! 07/25/2012
Congratulations to Yanjun and Chao who became wife and husband on 20 July 2012. Our lab wishes them a happy and exciting life together.
50th peer-reviewed article! 07/05/2012
05 July 2012. Our manuscript on DNA-micelle interaction, which is focused on a theory developed by Helmut Schiessel, has just been accepted in Soft...